Over the past two years I have refrained from engaging in public discussions about the Board’s actions. I did not want to fuel the fire of already heated discussions. Quite honestly, my input would have not helped anyone better understand the situation because the Board’s action was beyond my comprehension.
As my chance to be heard in a court of law comes closer, I am beginning to gain insight into the “WHY” of the Board’s action. It will take our day in court to expose its motivations. Time moves slowly in court cases, especially when one side stalls, preferring to put off due process or accountability. So, we must remain patient.
I would like to reconnect with all of you. It has been too long since I shared my elephant experiences and engaged in open discussion about our mutual ele-love.
While waiting for my case to come to court I would like to change gears so we can continue to advance our knowledge and understanding of elephants together. We have had a chance to vent at the injustice, but now I would prefer to spend my energy discussing what brought us all together in the first place….elephants.
You might have a better suggestion but I think a prescheduled weekly online discussion would be great. I could pick the subject of the day from a list submitted by all of you. We would be required to stay on topic, with the goal of learning more about elephants. I want to discuss who they are, how they live, their ability to overcome and recover from unhealthy situation and so much more. I want to expand on the positive aspects of work being done to right the wrongs against them. Instead of focusing on the negative, I prefer to do as I always have and focus on what we can do to help one elephant at a time.
Although I am happy to talk about all the girls, I think our time will be well spent if we strive to continue our larger education about elephants. There is so much to learn!
If anyone is interested in this idea, let’s set up a site for the discussions, appoint a person to organize it and schedule the first session.