Tim Gorski of Rattle the Cage Productions spent all day yesterday at the Park, from sun up to sun down, documenting the relationship between Chang Yim and Karl, his mahout. I was thrilled when Tim decided to wave his fee…he is an authentic animal welfare advocate. Check out his site at www.rattlethecage.org.
The footage Tim took will provide the visuals necessary for a video comparison of free-contact dominance and free-contact non-dominance elephant training. This footage will be the first of many hours collected in support of positive reinforcement training for elephants.
Oh boy, was it ever hard leaving ENP today. It was impossible to not get attached to the elephants during my stay because they absorbed me right into their family. I love and respect each one for their good humor, resilience and individuality. They are permanently embedded in my heart.
I am on my way back to Boon Lott’s Sanctuary for one more week of foot care and positive reinforcement target training with Mee Chok. I can’t wait to see how he responds!