The Nepali Times covered the changes at Tiger Tops Elephant Camp in Nepal. This is the wave of the future; elephants no longer used as entertainers, but the object of wildlife observation.
Tiger Tops Elephant Camp is gaining media attention for its elephant-friendly tourism. Now, the elephants living at the resort are ride free, chain free and pain free.
Nature Defense Foundation recently provided a significant grant towards EAI’s Elephant Refuge North America. This past Friday they hosted a “Meet and Greet” with EAI Founder Carol Buckley, for California Bay Area Foundations. The event was well attended by sincerely motivated individuals interested in elephant welfare. A huge thank you goes to all who attended and to Sarah Shaw of Nature Defense Foundation for hosting the event. If you would like to host an event for Foundations and others interested in supporting ERNA, please contact us.
Another great write-up for Tiger Tops Elephant Camp in Nepal, the first resort to go chain-free and discontinue using elephants for elephant back safaris. Instead they have partnered with EAI’s CEO Carol Buckley to create an elephant-friendly experience unlike any other, full of adventure and respect for elephants.
34 DAYS UNTIL CLOSING! The sale of the ERNA land will finalize on November 9th. The elephants still need you. Donate today to help these incredible beings thrive in a beautiful environment.
Everyone had fun and learned a lot at Tiger Tops Elephant Camp Foot Care Workshops!
- The Wildlife Crime Unit in Nepal is recognized for their work to prevent wildlife trafficking.
- Captive elephants in Asia suffer the worst foot health issues, both painful and permanent. The sweet elephant in this video suffered from such overgrown nails that her front toenail actually ripped away from her foot, causing permanent damage to the connective tissue. She is now permanently crippled by the captivity-induced injury.